Mind-Body Medicine Program: An Experiential self-help program


How it works


Fill out our
 form and tell us
a little about


Schedule your
phone call with
our founder and
let’s get personal.


Meet the trainer
that’s a perfect
match. Your first
session is on us.


Start Living! Your
very personal
fitness journey
has just begun.

Our program Integrates different modalities of recovery and wellness to heal the Mind, Body and Spirit.

There’s no one way to get clean and stay healthy. If you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired and you are ready to do something about let us help you create a plan of action.

Self-Care and Self-Knowledge = Independence

The concept of self-care helps to give you the independence you need to take your own health care into your own hands.  

In this program you’ll be guided through:

  • Mind-Body Exercises on a daily basis
  • Advanced meditation techniques
  • Exercise as medicine
  • Cognitive exercises such as thought enquiry, cbt and motivational interviewing
  • Intergrated nutrition
  • Psychedelic intergration

“Give a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for a lifetime.” – Confucius